Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Only Way Out..!

I was reading the end of Hedda Gabler last week and things were getting juicy. I wanted to finish reading because I only had like six pages left but I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open. Deciding to finish the book the next day while watching the end of "Dead Man Walking" in ToK was not a thoughtful decision to make. Between the execution taking place in the movie and the suicide or possible suicides taking place in the play, I became overwhelmed with emotions. Is it just me or do we all get attached to characters and they almost become real to us? This is the fruit of an excellent writer. But what is up with all of these people just pulling the plug on life? Do we really have the right to decide when humans will leave this world? I understand that Hedda would not have lived the enjoyable life she demand Tessman to create for her with Judge Brack knowing that the pistol used to take Lovborg's life belonged to her. She would be living at his mercy. But she made the decsion to try to control another human beings life. When things didn't go as planned, instead of living with the consequences of her decision, Hedda punked out. YES Hedda truly is a coward, just as Lovborg said. For her to be such a dominant and seemingly confident character on the outside, Hedda is lost and obviously hurting on the inside to the point where she no longer desires to live. I am sure most of us know someone who has committed suicide. I have experienced what it feels like when someone very close to you decides to end it. Just as I was upset and sad with the person in my life, I was upset and sad when Hedda headed (nice play on words Aliyya...) down that same path. Adela and Hedda in my opinion are playing into the prominent stereotype at the time that still exists today that women are weak. I say, "Stand up, be a real woman, fight and find another way out!"


Don said...

Enjoyed the read, I love anything involving reading matters of the heart.

ShowTyme92 said...

I totally agree grley!! Omg, I was sittin at the edge of mi seat the entire tyme reading... Like gosh, whts goin 2 happen nxt??? lolz but yea iIt was quite ironic that we watched tht movie and then finished ACt 4. I wasn't xactlii surprised that Hedda killed herself bcuz she had no way out, she had alreadii sayd tht she was afraid of scandal. And when scandal arouse she had to choices: die or face it! and wht did she do? She Took her own lyfe. Thts wht cowards do!

P.S No im not emotional attacked 2 any characters... idk y tho lolz