Sunday, October 26, 2008

That's Not My Baby

I have seen fathers (supposed to be fathers) deny their children. Rarely does a mother deny her children though. It seems that carrying a child on the inside of you for nine month knowing that the baby is actually apart of you creates a bond between a mother and a child that is unlike any other. We know that Hedda is pregnant, but does she? She has to know, right? Whatever the case may be, she is not happy about the idea of becoming a mother. That was the role of a woman during the time. Hedda did not want to fit into the typical life society had created for so many women. However, Ibsen may be commenting on how even when women did not want to comply and wanted to step outside the motherly role, it was impossible. In class, someone commented on how if Hedda did have the child she would totally control its life. Hedda was definitely on a power trip so why would she turn down the opportunity to rule over another person as she so desired? Well, I think things are the total opposite of what my classmate described. When someone has a baby, their life is OVER. Okay maybe that's a little extreme but the point is that the baby becomes top priority and most things will be centered around the child. I personally think being a mommy is one of the greatest jobs and honors a woman could have. I am anticipating starting a family, when the time is right of course. Hedda probably viewed motherhood as a responsibility that would take too much attention off of fulfilling her desires. Do you all think that if Hedda would have acknowledged her baby and accepted the responsibility of being a mother she would have killed herself even if it meant living under Brack's control?

1 comment:

Alexis S said...

It's hard to day but i think that once Hedda could really accept the baby growing inside of her she would have the courage and the fight to do anything she wanted or needed to do for herself or her child. If brack's control was really a factor i believe that Hedda would be able to gain her control back once again. And i agree that once her baby arrives she would have something worth living for.