Sunday, October 26, 2008

Passionately Pink For the Cure

Hey Generals
Our helped is needed. We have the opportunity to make a difference in the world on Tuesday, October 28, 2008. King is going pink. Wear your best pink outfit or costume to show your support for the thousands of women who have overcame, are battling or left this world a little less beautiful when they lost their fight with breast cancer. Donate what you can. Your second hour teacher will collect the money. Our goal is to raise $1000 which will be donated to the Susan G. Komen foundation. Just know we are not there and actually not even half way there yet. So, we need your help. If you donate more that $5 you get an awesome pin. I have mines so you know I have tried to do my part but in order to achieve this goal, we have to work together. The second hour class who is the most pink and donates the most money will get a free breakfast. Donuts, juice, bagels...ummm sounds good to me. So spread the word, lets work together and make a difference. We CAN defeat this disease that has taken too many of our mother, sisters, daughters, aunts and friends. Let's get PASSIONATELY PINK!
Love and Peace to all!

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